
Felicia de Chabris (Feliciadc88)

I was a severely dyslexic child, unable to read or write coherently until I was nine years old. From second to fourth grade I was not in a conventional school and therefore missed the crucial building blocks associated with writing, such as punctuation and grammar. Visual art, specifically working in clay, has been my medium. Recently, a medical issue has curtailed my ability to work in the way I’m accustomed to. Several months ago, on walks alone through the forests where I live, I started to toy with words and phrases spoken out loud. These phrases began to evolve into ideas and concepts which I started to jot down. At the time, I didn’t expect they might be the initial first drafts for poems. However, that is what they have evolved into. I have no formal training in creative writing. Poetry is such a gracious and (for me) forgiving form of expression. It has been an unexpected avenue of discovery and joy.