
Khubaib Mujtaba (Khubaib)

I come from the darkest place of world. The only place where blood and water equally flow in streams and rivers. Though known as paradise on earth but inside it is full of satanism. Crooks moving everywhere. The only place here talents are not given chance to prove themselves. Ours is a place to weep for, because the ministers of our country are like dumb, deaf cows and bulls. They dont know the naught of knowledge. Rationally and truly speaking ours country is forbidden to interact with light i.e knowledge. I am somewhat of introvert nature. I love to stare and think about the creation of creator. My best friend is nature. My hobby is to write about the circumstances and situations we are living in. I dont want to become famous or popular or any celebrity but my motive is to raise the status of children like me.