
Robin Devereaux-Nelson (RobinDevereaux)

I am a free-lance and fiction writer, artist and film-maker. I have written for Health and Healing Magazine, Demand Media Studios, 360 Main Street, and the SoWell Review. I was 2011 award-winner in the Liberal Arts Network and Development (LAND) Contest for short fiction and poetry, winner of the Renker Foundation Writing Award, and a first place national winner in the League for Innovation Writing Competition for play-writing and essay, as well as second place winner for fiction and poetry. My short story, FOOD, appears in the 2012 Pixelhose Anthology, 22 NAKED BODIES INSIDE, available on I am the winner of the 2012 Fabri Literary Prize and my 2010 NaNoWriMo novel, IN VIOLET’S WAKE, is in publication with Counterpoint Press in Berkley, CA. which will be released in December 2013.