
Amanda M Aronson (amandamaronson)

I am a former English and history teacher who seems to have a knack for project management and administration. In my last professional role, part of my job involved creating, writing and editing a quarterly publication. In my free time, however, I find myself thinking in verse and enjoying the nuances of the world around me. I love to know other people's names, their experiences, and their stories--especially when told in reverse. I've discovered that by listening to others recount their lives and connect what has worked and what hasn't, that it's easier for me to keep my life focused on quality. As an adopted child, and one who enjoys the study of anthropology, I find myself truly drawn to the stories of others, particularly as they relate to the formation of identity. I continue to enjoy freelance writing, which to date seems to have focused mainly on feature stories for local and regional magazines. I would like to get more involved in poetry writing and read-alouds.