
Annie Dawid (anniedawid)

Annie Dawid has published three books of fiction, AND DARKNESS WAS UNDER HIS FEET: STORIES OF A FAMILY (Litchfield Review Press, winner of their Short Fiction Prize); LILY IN THE DESERT (Carnegie-Mellon University Press Series in Short Fiction) and YORK FERRY: A NOVEL (Cane Hill Press). Forthcoming publications in Best New Writing 2014/15; Tube Flash (online UK series on Tube stations). Most recently, she won the 2013 Northern Colorado Writers Award in the Personal Essay and the 2013 New Rocky Mountain Voices Award for her short play, "Gunplay." In 2012, she won the Fall Flash Fiction Orlando Award from A Room of One's Own Foundation and the Essay Prize from the Dana Awards. She has taught two workshops at the Taos Summer Writers Conference, University of New Mexico, and at the Castle Rock Writers Conference (Colorado). In the fall of 2014, she is teaching a fiction workshop at Arapahoe Community College in Littleton, CO.