Eric Paul Shaffer is author of five books of poetry, including LÄhaina Noon (2005); Living at the Monastery, Working in the Kitchen (2001); Portable Planet (2000); RattleSnake Rider (1990); and Kindling: Poems from Two Poets (1988, with James Taylor III). Shaffers poems appear in Slate, North American Review, The Sun Magazine, Ploughshares, and Threepenny Review; Australia’s Cordite Poetry Review, Going Down Swinging, Island, Quadrant Magazine, and Westerly; Canada’s Antigonish Review, CV2, Dalhousie Review, Event, and The Fiddlehead; Éire’s Poetry Ireland Review and Southword Journal; England’s Iota, Magma, The Next Review, and Stand Magazine; and New Zealand’s Poetry NZ and TakahÄ“. His poems have been included in The EcoPoetry Anthology (Trinity UP 2013); Jack London Is Dead: Contemporary Euro-American Poetry of Hawai‘i (Tinfish 2013); and 100 Poets Against the War (Salt 2003).