I am a woman of FAITH whom lives my life dedicated to CHRIST! He is my priority and always comes first. He is the center of my life. I am also very involved with church and ministry. Serving Christ and volunteering takes up the majority of my free and spare time for the last 11 years. I have my own personal ministry called "Christian Activities and Events" as it is a passion of mine, as Christians want to be able to have fun too and know where to go that is a safe environment with like-minded people. I also have a ministry called "Pure4God" as I also encourage Single Adults in being pure Christians (mind, body and soul). I respect and protect my mind, body and soul from any and all pollution. I am proud to say that for the last 11 years I personally practice celibacy until marriage and encourage others to do so, as well. I love being able to serve Christ and to help others expand the Kingdom of God. I'm also a Psalmist and I write for Christ.