AKaiser is a poet, activist and translator from French, Spanish and Catalan. She is a member of the Sweet Action Poetry Collective whose work, including chapbooks, has also been in support of the Standing Rock effort and 350.org. You can also read her work in Amsterdam Quarterly, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, Manzano Mountain Review and some elsewheres. Her poem, The Sound of Clothes, was the Sow’s Ear Poetry Journal 2017 poetry prize winner. AKaiser has worked extensively with international organizations, including the United Nations and PEN, in management, fund-raising, and event coordination.. As an off-shoot of her recently defended dissertation on translations of Leaves of Grass, she is working on the biography of the first person to translate Whitman into Catalan, the democrat, urbanista, city garden promoter and utopian society participant, Cebrià Montoliu.