My name is Maria Lucas I reside in Raleigh, North Carolina I am 32 years old and a single mom. I have been writing poetry for 15 years
Some short stories but poetry is my passion. I am an inspiring writer I have been presented a certification of excellence for my poetry through Famous Poets and even had my poem published in Lavender Aurora also through the organization of Famous Poets. I consider my work to be of value and I would like to be supported for my art. I recently self-published my first poetry book and I wanted to if I could promote my book on your site? If so please contact me to what procedure I need to partake to do so, I would graciously appreciate the opportunity and I would love to become a part of this organization to support inspiring writers, and artists like myself.
Thank You,
Maria L Lucas
Ps. Here is the link to my book: and a brief intro to what it is about