My name is Melanie Anderson and I am a writer. At least, I should like to think so.
I have been writing since I could hold a pen--albeit, writing began merely as scribbles of which, as a two year old with chapped lips and wide blue eyes, I was quite proud. I completed my first chapter book when I was seven, and continued to write chapter books and novels, determined to get at least one of them published.
Now, at twenty-two, I still have no published novels, but I've published some poems and a couple short articles. I feel as though I have something to say, and a voice with which to say it, and with that conviction, I hope to let my words out and see them find their ways into the hands of readers. At the same time, I know my writing has yet to be chiseled into the perfection I wish it to be, and receiving input from other writers is one of the best ways to reach that goal. I hope we may all help each other both to write our best and to also see our writings find the light of day.