Michael Fallon is a poet and essayist and a Senior Lecturer in English at UMBC where he has taught Creative Writing, literature, and composition since 1985. Fallon has edited the literary magazines Puerto del Sol (1980-81) and the Maryland Poetry Review (1984-91) where Fallon was the founding editor. Poems have appeared recently in the American Scholar, The Antietam Review, Sin Fronteras, the Oyez Review, and the Loch Raven Review. Essays have appeared in the Maryland English Journal, in Lite Magazine and the Loch Raven Review. Fallon was a winner of a Maryland State Arts Council Fellowship in Poetry in 2009 and is the author of 3 collections of poetry, A History of the Color Black published by Dolphin-Moon Press in 1991; Since You Have No Body, winner of the Plan B Press Poetry Chapbook Competition and published in 2011, and The Great Before and After published by BrickHouse Books in 2011.