Bio: David Tucker’s book, Late for Work, won Katherine Bakeless Prize, selected by Philip Levine, and published by Houghton Mifflin. He also won a national chapbook contest held by Slapering Hol Press, for Days When Nothing Happens. He was awarded a Witter Bynner Fellowship by the Library of Congress, selected by Donald Hall. Tucker’s poems have appeared in numerous magazines, most recently in Ploughshares, Mississippi Review, Atlanta Review, Lascaux Review, Narrative and Southern Humanities Review, Poetry Friday, The New Jersey Star-Ledger and The Chariton Review, The VC International Anthology and the New Guardian Literary Review. He has twice read at the Library of Congress. And has read been a featured reader twice on NPR.
A career journalist, he has supervised and edited two Pulitzer Prize winners for The Star-Ledger newspaper.