I am a mountain boy, fundamentalist escapee, ‘Nam’ vet, sailboat builder, pilot, soccer player, coach, and ref; retired civil engineer, vociferous reader and morning walker who has lived in 5 states and 5 countries on 3 continents spending about 13 years overseas. Returned to raise a couple of kids and have lived in the same place for the last 30 years.
I always enjoyed adventure and classic poems, although I never considered writing them. On 17 June 2010, while pepping up a Facebook post, I accidently rhymed, was pleased, and decided to continue. That escalated, then it really got out-of-hand.
‘A beautiful afternoon and I'm working away, organizing the rhymes, ruing the day
I got infected with this rhyming bug, seems just as virulent as when I succumbed’-24 Oct 10
I now self-inoculate with daily rhyme production (sonnets and fragments). I have reduced my major efforts to every couple of weeks or so as the muse, interest, or anger strikes.