Anthony Brown (tonybrown)

USAF veteran Tony Wayne Brown, an East Carolina University Communications program graduate, has won contests by Art Forum and Union Writers and his fiction has been published over fifty-five times, including Huffington Post, Main Street Rag, Vestal Review, Foliate Oak (University of Arkansas), Birmingham Arts Journal, Ealain (South Africa), cahoodaloodaling, Midwest Literary Review, Liars’ League Hong Kong, Gemini, Black Mirror, Moon Magazine, Bartleby Snopes, Sleeping Cat Books, Short-Story Me, Infective Ink, In Between Altered Spaces, Perpetual Motion Machine, Writers Haven, Horrified Press, Every Writer's Resource, The Write Place at the Write Time, Leodegraunce, O Dark Thirty (Veterans Writing Project), Whortleberry Press Books, and The Storyteller. Brown, a former writer for North Carolina publications, is also the former editor of Rock & Roll Monthly.