
Results: November 2021 Poetry

Results for Game 360
Title Author Score Rank
Round One Round Two Round Three Round One Round Two Round Three
Entry 59877 Member 7621 5.25 5.54 4.78 7 1 1
Entry 59949 Ana Reisens 5.33 4.43 4.35 5 7 2
Sixfold Submission October 2021 (5 poems) Rebekah Wolman 4.4 4.08 4.08 39 15 3
Trying to Become Devon Bohm 4.33 4.17 3.94 42 13 4
No Longer Useful and.... Gillian Freebody 5.4 4.43 3.88 4 6 5
Entry 59660 Anne Marie Wells 5.2 4.15 3.68 10 14 6
Five Poems Laura Turnbull 5.17 4.21 3.63 13 12 7
Five Poems Andre Peltier 4.6 3.93 3.57 25 18 8
Entry 59977 Member 2581 4.4 4.23 3.42 37 11 9
Canal Poems for Sixfold Carol Barrett 2.33 4.82 3.3 166 3 10
Five from the Time of Covid Alix Lowenthal 5.25 4.25 3.18 8 10 11
Total Recall Latrise Johnson 4.33 4.46 3.12 44 5 12
Sense of Unease Brenna Robinson 5.2 5 3.12 9 2 13
i am their legacy may panaguiton 5.67 4.33 3.1 2 8 14
Red Brick Elizabeth Farwell 4 4.57 3.1 60 4 15
Entry 59721 Member 11350 3.67 4 3.08 82 17 16
Entry 60126 Alina Dewgard 4.67 4.29 2.86 24 9 17
Sixfold submission 2 (mywriter) Bill Cushing 4.17 4 2.76 52 16 18
Some Moments on the Planet Richard Baldo 4.75 3.92 0 20 19 19
Roar & Other Poems Blake Foster 4.75 3.86 0 22 20 20
The Shadow Lands - 5 Poems for Sixfold a mykl herdklotz 5 3.85 0 16 21 21
Elegies & Such Bernard Horn 4.25 3.85 0 46 22 22
5 selected poems of 2021 for sixfold Harald Edwin Pfeffer 3.67 3.85 0 81 23 23
Entry 60096 Member 21188 5.8 3.82 0 1 24 24
Entry 59686 Member 19441 5.25 3.82 0 6 25 25
On Being Human Nia Feren 4 3.82 0 63 26 26
Mourning Performance Everett Roberts 4.17 3.79 0 51 27 27
Still Burning and other poems for Sixfold Alaina Goodrich 4.4 3.73 0 38 28 28
notes on absence Arthur Martins 4.33 3.71 0 43 29 29
the light she casts Olivia Dorsey Peacock 4.2 3.71 0 49 30 30
The Turn for Home and Other Poems Member 20952 3.67 3.67 0 85 31 31
Ceremony Member 1749 2 3.64 0 175 32 32
In County Wicklow and Other Poems Greg Tuleja 4.5 3.62 0 31 33 33
Mouth Noise Rebecca Olivia Jones 4.4 3.58 0 36 34 34
Entry 59706 Anna Snider 4 3.57 0 55 35 35
Entry 59951 Matthew Schmidt 4.67 3.54 0 23 36 36
The Challenge of Growing Up in the Mountains Katherine Arthaud 4.5 3.54 0 30 37 37
Entry 60146 Member 21217 4.2 3.54 0 50 38 38
Stretching the Truth Susan Bouchard 4.6 3.46 0 28 39 39
EVEN MY MUSE WHISPERS S.E. Ingraham 4 3.44 0 61 40 40
Five Poems Paul Johnson 5 3.4 0 18 41 41
Rick's Downstairs Cafe Bill Newby 5.6 3.38 0 3 42 42
Tattered, and Other Poems Paul Jaspr 4.5 3.38 0 32 43 43
Entry 59736 Ellen Romano 4.17 3.38 0 53 44 44
I am the Sun and Other Poems Melissa Thorne 4.4 3.31 0 35 45 45
The Woods at Night & Other Poems K Schwalbe 5.2 3.3 0 11 46 46
The Massage & Other Poems Hilary Sio 2.67 3.29 0 153 47 47
Skull Junction George Longenecker 5 3.27 0 17 48 48
Five Selected Poems Tom Murphy 5 3.23 0 15 49 49
Variety Pack John Delaney 4.5 3.23 0 33 50 50
POETRY IS THE ONLY MOTHER Susan Michele Coronel 4.4 3.18 0 40 51 51
Five Poems Austin Marshall 4.2 3.17 0 48 52 52
I love like the ocean, like the desert Rebekah Coxwell 2.33 3.15 0 165 53 53
A Renaissance They/Them Member 19636 4.75 3.08 0 21 54 54
Entry 59987 Shakti Anderson 4.6 3.07 0 27 55 55
Field of capsules & other poems Member 21033 4.5 2.92 0 34 56 56
Milestones Mike Falconer 3.67 2.82 0 79 57 57
Green Witch Meg Ewart 3.33 2.82 0 112 58 58
Heart Mark Graham 4 2.8 0 58 59 59
The little girl who screamed at the stars Bria Fairchild 3 2.77 0 139 60 60
Healing, Promise, Sovereignty_Redepmtion_Blessing Michael Rhett 4.17 2.73 0 54 61 61
autumn blues & others noah david perry 4 2.64 0 57 62 62
Before the Dawn Leonardo Alferez 3 2.62 0 133 63 63
The Heart of Poetry Member 13884 2.67 2.5 0 152 64 64
5 Poems Ian Goh 4.6 2.4 0 26 65 65
Entry 60020 Ava Wilson 3.33 2.29 0 109 66 66
Mr. Nobody Notices & other poems Bear Cunningham 4 2.18 0 56 67 67
Outside brittany meador 3.67 2.15 0 86 68 68
Tota pulchra es Member 21236 3 2.15 0 142 69 69
Free to Be Poetry Denise Johnson 3 2.09 0 141 70 70
Reflections Tyrone Carter 4 1.69 0 59 71 71
5 Poems from a Rich Girl (disqualified) Tina Lear 5.2 0 0 12 72 72
Entry 59971 (disqualified) Member 13973 5.17 0 0 14 73 73
Entry 60080 (disqualified) Derek Denckla 5 0 0 19 74 74
Florida Poems (disqualified) Alex Smith 4.5 0 0 29 75 75
Entry 60163 (disqualified) Emily Cummings 4.4 0 0 41 76 76
ExPat / Sirens / Confessions / Britta / Dolores of Pain / (disqualified) Blaire Baron 4.33 0 0 45 77 77
Sixfold submission 101921 (disqualified) Member 15275 4.25 0 0 47 78 78
Short Hair Ann Mary Jane Panke 4 0 0 62 79 79
County Down Quintet Brian Kelly 4 0 0 64 80 80
Entry 59889 Jahci Joy 4 0 0 65 81 81
Entry 59849 Melodie Hicks 3.83 0 0 66 82 82
Healing + 4 Andrew Long 3.83 0 0 67 83 83
Entry 60100 Philip Youden 3.83 0 0 68 84 84
How Dangerous, this Sharing of Ourselves Cary Gray 3.8 0 0 69 85 85
Cuyahoga Joe Boyle 3.8 0 0 70 86 86
2021 Sixfold Poetry Audrey Ryer 3.8 0 0 71 87 87
Late summer linger and other poems Patricia Davis-Muffett 3.8 0 0 72 88 88
Entry 60088 Member 10400 3.8 0 0 73 89 89
Entry 59814 Member 1539 3.8 0 0 74 90 90
Poems from Loss William French 3.75 0 0 75 91 91
Entry 60062 Annmarie Bartley 3.75 0 0 76 92 92
I See Red and others Member 19520 3.75 0 0 77 93 93
Laundry, Cruel Intentions, Mirrors, Overdue Meegan Meeks 3.67 0 0 78 94 94
Entry 59790 Member 19602 3.67 0 0 80 95 95
Motherland Alyssa Sego 3.67 0 0 83 96 96
The Perseids Selena Vaughn 3.67 0 0 84 97 97
The Whispers of My Soul Analise Kent 3.6 0 0 87 98 98
Entry 59789 Karan Kapoor 3.6 0 0 88 99 99
Love Paradox, 401am, Rats Ryan Files 3.6 0 0 89 100 100
On the Desert Floor Jacob Barker 3.6 0 0 90 101 101
The Asphalt flower and the Knightly Skunk Member 20945 3.6 0 0 91 102 102
five poems Peter Whedbee 3.6 0 0 92 103 103
Entry 59678 Wynne Morrison 3.5 0 0 93 104 104
Hope Marshall Elmore 3.5 0 0 94 105 105
Entry 59832 Member 19635 3.5 0 0 95 106 106
Schopenhauer’s Cat and Other Poems Michael Schussler 3.5 0 0 96 107 107
mythos Skye Vaillancourt 3.5 0 0 97 108 108
Ars Gratia Artis Eric Obame 3.5 0 0 98 109 109
5 Poems Claudia Maurino 3.5 0 0 99 110 110
Poetry Sarah Shope 3.5 0 0 100 111 111
poems out of place Member 14277 3.5 0 0 101 112 112
where light doesn't reach Nicole Adabunu 3.5 0 0 102 113 113
To Those Who Seek Something Isley Jean-Pierre 3.4 0 0 103 114 114
poetry submission, Six Fold, 24 July, 2021 Michael Hanner 3.4 0 0 104 115 115
A Grandeur of Black Irises Oak Morse 3.4 0 0 105 116 116
This Home Member 21052 3.4 0 0 106 117 117
Entry 60155 Member 21232 3.4 0 0 107 118 118
Scattered Clouds/Nightlight/A Knife's Edge Mark Weil 3.33 0 0 108 119 119
Three Poems Sydney Cimarolli 3.33 0 0 110 120 120
Poems of Purpose L. Michael Bohigian 3.33 0 0 111 121 121
The Blind Girl & the Hit Man (disqualified) Bernard Hamel 3.33 0 0 113 122 122
Five Poems Kevin O'Connor 3.25 0 0 114 123 123
Entry 59733 Member 19533 3.25 0 0 115 124 124
Hard Wire, Barbed Wire, and Other Useless Defenses Emmeline McCabe 3.25 0 0 116 125 125
Five Teeth Pulled From My Head Member 10972 3.25 0 0 117 126 126
Entry 59828 Member 1676 3.25 0 0 118 127 127
Entry 60065 Member 13089 3.25 0 0 119 128 128
Entry 60085 Member 11160 3.25 0 0 120 129 129
5 poems for November 2021 Member 9871 3.25 0 0 121 130 130
Burnt Messages Marquis Peacock 3.25 0 0 122 131 131
Thaw Member 19611 3.2 0 0 123 132 132
O Dancer, My Dancer Tavis Linsin 3.2 0 0 124 133 133
Entry 59932 Member 5494 3.2 0 0 125 134 134
Ghost Apples Jennifer Phillips 3.2 0 0 126 135 135
London>SF Elizabeth Wilson 3.2 0 0 127 136 136
Groundwater Births a Bard + 4 Chris McNally 3.2 0 0 128 137 137
Fragments of Happiness Member 9760 3.2 0 0 129 138 138
Entry 59861 Member 9791 3.2 0 0 130 139 139
Entry 59908 Member 20208 3.17 0 0 131 140 140
Ongoing: Poems Sam Saper 3.17 0 0 132 141 141
Frequency and Heat Exchange Jason Gillam 3 0 0 134 142 142
Three Little Voices Member 19953 3 0 0 135 143 143
Love: A Lifecycle Mitch Butler 3 0 0 136 144 144
Marbled Landscapes Chris Kleinfelter 3 0 0 137 145 145
pillows on a billboard ENA KANTARDZIC 3 0 0 138 146 146
Five Poems Marili G. Reilly 3 0 0 140 147 147
Fall Jacey Taft 2.83 0 0 143 148 148
five poems for trauma Katelyn Grabe 2.8 0 0 144 149 149
Musing, runes and seasonal droppings Rozann Kraus 2.8 0 0 145 150 150
Chains to be Lifted Jenquia Jamison 2.8 0 0 146 151 151
My Mother's Mania, My Mother's Hands, Sister Christian Kelly Hitchcock 2.75 0 0 147 152 152
Love Truths Ashley Young 2.75 0 0 148 153 153
Who is He? Janell Rodriguez 2.75 0 0 149 154 154
heartbreak & hair loss Tiffany Larios 2.75 0 0 150 155 155
No Time for Regrets Kimberly Russo 2.67 0 0 154 157 157
Sixfold Poetry Submission - Inkmouth Writing Joshua Hornberger 2.6 0 0 155 158 158
Self-Abstraction Tara Armstrong 2.6 0 0 156 159 159
ancestors stargaze a free you -- zemlyu 2.6 0 0 157 160 160
Consequences Lauren Oertel 2.5 0 0 158 161 161
Entry 59860 Caroline Fernandez 2.5 0 0 159 162 162
Entry 59833 Douglass Allen 2.5 0 0 160 163 163
Because I Breathe, This I Must Write Carolfrances Likins 2.5 0 0 161 164 164
Various Dorian Flores 2.5 0 0 162 165 165
A Cycle Member 16822 2.4 0 0 163 166 166
Entry 60135 Montrell Goss 2.4 0 0 164 167 167
Entry 59838 Member 16220 2.25 0 0 167 168 168
Astropoetry David Soo 2.25 0 0 168 169 169
Poems Charlee Martin 2.25 0 0 169 170 170
Things I Am Not Supposed to Say Bizzy B 2.25 0 0 170 171 171
Entry 60141 Member 21176 2.25 0 0 171 172 172
Melancholy Aisha Johnson 2.2 0 0 172 173 173
Entry 60140 Andre Wilson 2.17 0 0 173 174 174
Divine Light Jacob Telford 2 0 0 174 175 175
The Substitute Susan Springston 1.8 0 0 176 176 176
Hangry Max. T taylor 1.67 0 0 177 177 177
Goodbye My Daughter Member 19612 1.6 0 0 178 178 178
Paint the Sky Gray & Others Brittany Gonzales 1.25 0 0 179 179 179
SIX FOLD BEST OF 2 charles p calvert 1.2 0 0 180 180 180
Mists of Hallow Marilynn Harper 1.2 0 0 181 181 181
I Am A Mural! Francetta Watson 1.17 0 0 182 182 182
Entry 59609 Laurie Held 1 0 0 183 183 183
A Treatise on Single Motherhood (disqualified) Kara J. Page 0 0 0 184 184 184
My Life Within Words (disqualified) Christina Hardin 0 0 0 185 185 185
A Series of Mourning (disqualified) Carissa Vargas 0 0 0 186 186 186
Love is Queer (disqualified) Danielle Aragao 0 0 0 187 187 187
Entry 59623 (disqualified) Member 17923 0 0 0 188 188 188
Five Poems for Sixfold (disqualified) Robert Brown 0 0 0 189 189 189
Poetry Collection (disqualified) Member 19137 0 0 0 190 190 190
Cat Poems (disqualified) James Kenyon 0 0 0 191 191 191
Defection (disqualified) Alinda Wasner 0 0 0 192 192 192
Entry 59664 (disqualified) Member 9655 0 0 0 193 193 193
Souls that Roam Have No Home (disqualified) Radomir Luza 0 0 0 194 194 194
5 POEM SUBMISSION (disqualified) Titus Oldham 0 0 0 195 195 195
If Gratitude Were a Color, It Would be Turquoise (disqualified) Laura Mena 0 0 0 196 196 196
22/23 (disqualified) Kathryn carley 0 0 0 197 197 197
I Hope. (disqualified) Michael Driscoll 0 0 0 198 198 198
Ammil; Cold Air in my Lungs; The Woeful Watcher (disqualified) Member 19483 0 0 0 199 199 199
ALTERNATIVE and other poems (disqualified) Emily Labosky 0 0 0 200 200 200
Coming Up For Air (disqualified) Tiffany Rodriguez 0 0 0 201 201 201
Farewell Series (disqualified) Sam Baker 0 0 0 202 202 202
Five Poems (disqualified) Steven Fleet 0 0 0 203 203 203
A Sometimes Pretty Journal of Sometimes Ugly Thoughts (disqualified) Nynaeve Phillipson 0 0 0 204 204 204
Redemption (disqualified) Evie Weir 0 0 0 205 205 205
Mango Sugar (disqualified) Charles Jennings 0 0 0 206 206 206
Torturer L’amour (disqualified) Janell Pina 0 0 0 207 207 207
Horsing Around (disqualified) Eliza Bartlett Anise 0 0 0 208 208 208
Haze (Five Poems) (disqualified) Beth Pollak 0 0 0 209 209 209
Simple Musings (disqualified) Courtney Dainard 0 0 0 210 210 210
"Gold Rush", and others (disqualified) Noreen Ayres 0 0 0 222 222 222
things I hate but will not name (disqualified) Camilla Kline 0 0 0 211 211 211
Entry 59818 (disqualified) Kimberly Rottter 0 0 0 212 212 212
Entry 59837 (disqualified) Member 19634 0 0 0 213 213 213
Various Poems (disqualified) Stephen Dalton 0 0 0 214 214 214
Entry 59851 (disqualified) Member 19645 0 0 0 215 215 215
The Story Thus Far (disqualified) Andrada Predescu 0 0 0 216 216 216
The Hazy Space of Falling Out of Love + Others (disqualified) Lauren Schussler 0 0 0 217 217 217
Entry 59869 (disqualified) Rebecca Ramsden 0 0 0 218 218 218
Ruthless and Other Poems (disqualified) R M Zimmerman 0 0 0 219 219 219
Notes on Nothing (disqualified) sam whicker 0 0 0 220 220 220
Pride and Penance Vol. 1 & Others (disqualified) Johanne Vincent 0 0 0 221 221 221
Entry 59922 (disqualified) Member 20490 0 0 0 223 223 223
Moon filled (disqualified) Member 20823 0 0 0 224 224 224
There Is No Resolution (disqualified) Marissa Isch 0 0 0 225 225 225
Apocalypse (disqualified) fred mcilmoyle 0 0 0 226 226 226
Today is Monday (disqualified) Khadija Humphrey 0 0 0 227 227 227
Poetry Submissions (disqualified) Anai Gonzalez 0 0 0 228 228 228
WELL POEMS (disqualified) Peter Prizel 0 0 0 229 229 229
Unquiet Evenings (disqualified) vinnie lopez 0 0 0 230 230 230
Cafe Roma, 1988 and 4 others (disqualified) Terence Cady 0 0 0 231 231 231
Sixfold Poetry Prize November 2021 (disqualified) Morgan Golladay 0 0 0 232 232 232
Entry 60053 (disqualified) Member 21148 0 0 0 233 233 233
Compilation of Loss and Love (disqualified) Janixx Parisi 0 0 0 234 234 234
The Trees (disqualified) Brett Gordon 0 0 0 235 235 235
In My Blue Hour (disqualified) Member 21120 0 0 0 236 236 236
Poetry 2021 (disqualified) Candace Reed 0 0 0 237 237 237
My Name is Superman and I'm an Alcoholic (disqualified) Sanket Alekar 0 0 0 238 238 238
Entry 60130 (disqualified) Monica Colon 0 0 0 239 239 239