Results: Game 364

Results for Game 364
Title Author Score Rank
Round One Round Two Round Three Round One Round Two Round Three
Anniversary, 2019 Member 10800 4.6 4.5 4.18 42 14 1
Finally, I Sold His Car Holly York 5.67 4.44 3.93 4 17 2
Entry 60215 Anne Marie Wells 5.17 5 3.87 15 1 3
Coded Language D.T. Christensen 5 5 3.87 26 2 4
“Ungodly” & Others Laura Stidham 4.4 4.6 3.83 54 11 5
Love Poems and Others Abigail F. Taylor 5.33 4.45 3.74 8 15 6
Entry 60328 Ana Reisens 4.5 4.83 3.71 50 4 7
if only Natalie LaFrance-Slack 3 4.67 3.6 153 10 8
iii things Nicole Sellino 4.67 4.8 3.57 39 5 9
Spoken Candles for All Souls Gilaine Fiezmont 3.5 4.45 3.41 114 16 10
Poetry (3) Sheri Anderson 4.17 4.44 3.33 68 18 11
Entry 60288 RJ Gryder 3.67 4.44 3.27 104 19 12
the history of a color & others Will Barnes 5 4.75 3.26 16 7 13
Entry 60729 Member 24319 4.75 4.4 3.21 35 21 14
metamorphoses Su Van Gelder 4.83 4.7 3.15 29 9 15
Magenta Oak Morse 5 4.78 3.08 21 6 16
many voices from many apocalypses Sam Bible-Sullivan 4.6 4.75 3.06 43 8 17
Five Poems Hills Snyder 5.75 4.58 2.71 3 13 18
Known Member 23167 1.33 4.44 2.67 229 20 19
Entry 60866 (disqualified) Member 24648 6 4.9 0 2 3 20
Father // Earth (disqualified) Ivy Raff 3.33 4.6 0 125 12 21
Birth Marks and Other Poems Lauren Fulton 4.67 4.36 0 41 22 22
Entry 60764 David Sloan 4.83 4.27 0 30 23 23
Entry 60417 Joanna Galbraith 4.6 4.27 0 44 24 24
Outside Voice: Poems for Sixfold Nancy Kangas 5 4.25 0 24 25 25
About her leaving Noreen Graf 4.8 4.22 0 32 26 26
Fitting Mom on the Page and other poems Jim Bohen 4.6 4.22 0 46 27 27
I Want To Be The Dead Girl On A Detective Show Julia Schneider 6 4.2 0 1 28 28
Hope is a Winter Word Thomas Baranski 4.8 4.18 0 33 29 29
Luck of the Draw and four more Gillian Freebody 4 4.14 0 70 30 30
Julie DeBoer - 3 Poems Member 24345 4.2 4.11 0 66 31 31
Loaded, Lost, Class, Junk, Matter Tina Lear 5 4.1 0 27 32 32
Something Eternal Alyssa Sego 4.75 4.1 0 36 33 33
The Rest is Silence Alix Lowenthal 5.33 4 0 9 34 34
Morning Glories & Other Pieces Member 22924 5 4 0 17 35 35
Break Up Album Member 12024 3 3.92 0 158 36 36
Dreams and Darkness Member 9280 3.5 3.9 0 115 37 37
Entry 60673 Member 24290 3 3.89 0 161 38 38
Woodsome & 4 Others Member 23250 3.67 3.88 0 105 39 39
Sixfold Summer 2022 Poetry Submission Member 24589 5.2 3.82 0 14 40 40
sapsucker & other poems Member 19207 5 3.82 0 19 41 41
keeping secrets Hazel Hindermann 5.2 3.7 0 13 42 42
Hettie La Greem and the Fox and two other poems Kate Lydon Varley 4 3.7 0 72 43 43
Of Loss and Hope - Five Poems Aaron Fried 3.67 3.7 0 110 44 44
Three Poems--Creativity and Inspiration Ralph Whiteaker 4.2 3.67 0 64 45 45
The Sacred Altar of Lovers Tiffany Lindfield 2 3.67 0 215 46 46
Entry 60555 Member 8421 5 3.62 0 20 47 47
Pearls and other poems for Sixfold Alaina Goodrich 4 3.62 0 75 48 48
New Beginnings Poetry Jessica Crowder 3.33 3.62 0 124 49 49
Five Poems Alexander Wolff 4.67 3.6 0 38 50 50
Sabrina in the Water and other poems J.L. Grothe 4.4 3.6 0 55 51 51
Notting Hill Molly Koeneman 4.25 3.6 0 63 52 52
Entry 60409 Member 8577 4.33 3.56 0 57 53 53
Alphabet Soup Rozann Kraus 3.5 3.56 0 116 54 54
Entry 60183 Member 12495 1.5 3.55 0 227 55 55
All That is the Case Tom Murphy 4.83 3.5 0 28 56 56
Three Poems Jeff Wysel 4.25 3.5 0 59 57 57
Break Member 24629 4 3.45 0 85 58 58
"The Devil's Cut"/"Medium-Rare" Shenan Hahn 5 3.44 0 22 59 59
All This Dirt Grace Freedson 5.25 3.4 0 12 60 60
Entry 60837 Member 10903 4.5 3.4 0 52 61 61
The Gentle Ripples of Time Sara Freitag 4.25 3.36 0 62 62 62
The Darkest Corner Ryan McCabe 3.67 3.36 0 109 63 63
Multitude in Solitude and other Poems Member 24592 3 3.36 0 168 64 64
Snowclones Member 20670 5.33 3.33 0 7 65 65
Two-day Shipping and other poems Member 11286 4.8 3.33 0 34 66 66
Entry 60511 Jim Pascual Agustin 4.25 3.33 0 60 67 67
Pathways Collection Karalee Garcia 4 3.3 0 74 68 68
"I killed my childhood dog" and other poems Sydney Cimarolli 5.4 3.29 0 6 69 69
Might Be a Bird Sam Saper 1 3.27 0 232 70 70
3 poems Rhea Patel 4 3.25 0 83 71 71
Entry 60780 Member 24578 3 3.22 0 164 72 72
May 2022 Poetry Submission Member 24313 5 3.2 0 23 73 73
Island & cat poems William Gary 4.5 3.2 0 49 74 74
loversfest Charissa Love 4 3.2 0 69 75 75
Entry 60588 Liv Blair 5.33 3.14 0 11 76 76
After the Anaphora Member 23132 5 3.11 0 18 77 77
Autumn to Winter Poetry Collection Elizabeth Schlager 2.67 3.11 0 190 78 78
In Their Image Member 19277 4 3.09 0 88 79 79
The Biofilm Melissa Morefield 4.67 3 0 40 80 80
Conduct Gabe Magana 3 3 0 152 81 81
Entry 60512 Kimberly Rottter 2.67 3 0 191 82 82
Letters to Mom and Dad Conor Mac Namara 4 2.89 0 77 83 83
Questions No One Has Answers To Sebastian Rindé 5.5 2.88 0 5 84 84
Entry 60689 Member 24253 4.2 2.88 0 65 85 85
this girl Member 24343 3.67 2.88 0 108 86 86
Two Winter Songs Bernard Hamel 4.5 2.82 0 48 87 87
Poems for SixFold (5 poems) Matthew Peake 2.67 2.8 0 192 88 88
Because I Breathe, This I Must Write Carolfrances Likins 4 2.75 0 76 89 89
Advanced Misanthropic Anatomy and Other Poems Member 24228 3 2.7 0 169 90 90
Things Will Get Better Member 23117 2 2.67 0 213 91 91
Writing: In the Key of Unprecedented Times Meghan Emery 2 2.6 0 212 92 92
Spring Collection, 2022 Christopher Johnson 2.67 2.4 0 193 93 93
Secrets of the Soul Cara Hartley 4.67 2.3 0 37 94 94
Stung by Words Peter Whedbee 4.25 2.3 0 58 95 95
the fisherman at bank's reel nets strange life Isabelle Blank 2.67 2.25 0 196 96 96
Entry 60188 Member 22211 1 2.25 0 231 97 97
Entry 60658 Member 23927 3.67 2.2 0 107 98 98
Sixfold Poetry Contest Harmony Mendelow 2.67 2.2 0 195 99 99
Tubes Y H 2 2.12 0 220 100 100
Economy of Love David Crowther 2.33 2.11 0 202 101 101
5 Poems Lauren Rykert 1.33 1.91 0 230 102 102
Soda Machines Travis Hailes 4.2 1.78 0 67 103 103
Entry 60671 Joshua Kepfer 3 1.67 0 160 104 104
Poems (disqualified) Member 23253 5.33 0 0 10 105 105
Entry 60895 (disqualified) Member 24673 5 0 0 25 106 106
Grounding and others (disqualified) Member 17918 4.8 0 0 31 107 107
5 Poems: TV, Etc (disqualified) Member 24195 4.6 0 0 45 108 108
Entry 60223 (disqualified) Member 22607 4.5 0 0 47 109 109
LOSING BLOOD (disqualified) Krystle May Statler 4.5 0 0 51 110 110
Sixfold April 2022 (disqualified) Candace Reed 4.4 0 0 53 111 111
Entry 60423 (disqualified) Bernard Horn 4.33 0 0 56 112 112
Love, 5 poems (disqualified) Katherine Arthaud 4.25 0 0 61 113 113
Maxims (disqualified) Tyler Altman 4 0 0 71 114 114
Entry 60445 (disqualified) Member 22902 4 0 0 73 115 115
Mother Tongue & Other Poems Katie Bickham 4 0 0 78 116 116
Nature's Prodigy Isaiah N 4 0 0 79 117 117
Forcing Rhubarb Member 22443 4 0 0 80 118 118
Entry 60779 Ryan Dzelzkalns 4 0 0 81 119 119
2020 Visions Yago Colás 4 0 0 82 120 120
4 Poems Myra Singh 4 0 0 84 121 121
And Drop the Fearful Feeling Lydia Balestra 4 0 0 86 122 122
Entry 60873 Member 24651 4 0 0 87 123 123
Five Dreams Member 10550 4 0 0 89 124 124
Letters from the Void Member 22617 3.83 0 0 90 125 125
Selected Poems Eshawn Rawlley 3.8 0 0 91 126 126
Let It Sing and Other Poems Hilary Sio 3.8 0 0 92 127 127
Cross-Over America's People Poems Lucy Moran 3.8 0 0 93 128 128
Entry 60367 Member 23035 3.8 0 0 94 129 129
Entry 60679 Member 24293 3.8 0 0 95 130 130
Entry 60788 Member 24401 3.8 0 0 96 131 131
Entry 60817 Sydney Pruzan 3.8 0 0 97 132 132
Ekphrasis Pearl Silverman 3.8 0 0 98 133 133
A Life, A Profession Richard Baldo 3.75 0 0 99 134 134
A Happening and Maybe It's Just Me Turning 25 Member 23165 3.75 0 0 100 135 135
Rebel Starseed Musings Mary Zawalski 3.75 0 0 101 136 136
Paint the Sky Gray & Others Brittany Gonzales 3.75 0 0 102 137 137
Entry 60683 Lyric Witherspoon 3.75 0 0 103 138 138
Water, Blood, and Women Julianna Holshue 3.67 0 0 106 139 139
A Big Black Dog At Springtime (disqualified) Nancy Eichelberger 3.67 0 0 111 140 140
People Like Me x 5 Kate Davies 3.6 0 0 112 141 141
Peel Slowly Michael Moeller 3.6 0 0 113 142 142
Entry 60584 Mischa Swonger 3.5 0 0 117 143 143
You and Him Matthew Aponte 3.5 0 0 118 144 144
Entry 60891 Member 24626 3.5 0 0 119 145 145
Origin Story & Other Musings Skye Vaillancourt 3.4 0 0 120 146 146
Entry 60534 Member 23164 3.4 0 0 121 147 147
Seven stages of pain and other poems Jakob Brønnum 3.4 0 0 122 148 148
Four Poems Catherine Mignone 3.4 0 0 123 149 149
Sixfold Submission_Feb2020 Isabella Skovira 3.33 0 0 126 150 150
Love of the Phoenix Member 16771 3.33 0 0 127 151 151
Submission Shiffrin Sixfold Nancy Shiffrin 3.33 0 0 128 152 152
How They Eat Me (disqualified) Michaela Perry 3.33 0 0 129 153 153
Riddled Heart Still Worthy Heart Ramona Gudelska 3.25 0 0 130 154 154
Entry 60403 Angelica Whitehorne 3.25 0 0 131 155 155
Sixfold Poetry Member 21188 3.25 0 0 132 156 156
Finding a Voice Again: A Collection Maya Pescatore 3.25 0 0 133 157 157
Entry 60560 Member 15282 3.25 0 0 134 158 158
Poems by Elyk Chrüb (pseudonym of Kyle Burch) Member 24376 3.25 0 0 135 159 159
Worship the Night JERRY GODOWN 3.25 0 0 136 160 160
Five Poems Nicholas Butera 3.25 0 0 137 161 161
Entry 60833 Member 24619 3.25 0 0 138 162 162
Entry 60863 Elisa Kääriäinen 3.25 0 0 139 163 163
5 poems of 2021 for Sixfold Harald Edwin Pfeffer 3.2 0 0 140 164 164
Break of Dawn Sarah Shope 3.2 0 0 141 165 165
Summer Migration & Other Poems Member 23137 3.2 0 0 142 166 166
Haiku: Cycle of Seasons Letha C Woods 3.2 0 0 143 167 167
Entry 60663 Member 24262 3.2 0 0 144 168 168
Entry 60684 Member 24192 3.2 0 0 145 169 169
Obscurities Gracie Marie 3.2 0 0 146 170 170
Entry 60425 Member 9600 3.17 0 0 147 171 171
Entry 60279 Member 19602 3 0 0 148 172 172
Conditional Love (disqualified) Madison Frerking 3 0 0 149 173 173
Humanity Ray Padgett 3 0 0 150 174 174
"Conception" and "Crossing Over" Lydia LeVert 3 0 0 151 175 175
Entry 60364 Member 11780 3 0 0 154 176 176
Breathe Vigor and Others Roman Ryan 3 0 0 155 177 177
Entry 60369 Member 15193 3 0 0 156 178 178
january & other poems Ron Renchler 3 0 0 157 179 179
What Happens With Eyes Closed (disqualified) Member 24102 3 0 0 159 180 180
Blue Nirvana Aaron Moncivaiz 3 0 0 162 181 181
CYCLES DO NOT END WITH TIME. Emma Rose Manetta 3 0 0 163 182 182
Entry 60781 Member 24576 3 0 0 165 183 183
Anachronism and Foolery Luca Pryor 3 0 0 166 184 184
5 Poems Alexei Le 3 0 0 167 185 185
Unsettled Highways Chris Kleinfelter 3 0 0 170 186 186
Women Castigate their own Being Brittany Fry 3 0 0 171 187 187
Que Sera Sera Member 23062 3 0 0 172 188 188
Jewel Box of Love & Others Cort Caldwell 2.8 0 0 173 189 189
Title of writing is on PDF pages Liam Chambers 2.8 0 0 174 190 190
I'd Like to Report That Rachel Lovell 2.8 0 0 175 191 191
Before I Found You Again on Tinder & Others Kaitlin McNamara 2.8 0 0 176 192 192
Gone the Birds and Fishes Alexander Perez 2.8 0 0 177 193 193
My House Julie Sequoia Webb 2.8 0 0 178 194 194
Release Maya Griffin 2.8 0 0 179 195 195
This Is The Sky That I See JY M 2.8 0 0 180 196 196
Thoughts on Aging William French 2.75 0 0 181 197 197
Two poems Jeanne Bamforth 2.75 0 0 182 198 198
my mother's history for six fold Jake aller 2.75 0 0 183 199 199
Sixfold Entry Christen Tulli 2.75 0 0 184 200 200
A Gouging of Memory Gurupreet K Khalsa 2.75 0 0 185 201 201
Tinted Windows Miles Kuhn 2.75 0 0 186 202 202
Sixfold Submission 04222022 Alex Schmidt 2.75 0 0 187 203 203
Dead Looking for Life Marshall Elmore 2.67 0 0 188 204 204
Chapters of Life Zoe Wooten 2.67 0 0 189 205 205
The Hospital, The Blue Buds, and All the Rest (disqualified) Nikita Ladd 2.67 0 0 194 206 206
Gateway Lauren McNamara 2.6 0 0 197 207 207
Thriller Bark and Other Poems Morgan Frances Cohen 2.6 0 0 198 208 208
Waiting Member 8735 2.5 0 0 199 209 209
From Ernestine to Cassidy Rodney Stephens 2.5 0 0 200 210 210
some of my work Juliet Hennington 2.4 0 0 201 211 211
For The Queens Member 22635 2.25 0 0 203 212 212
loving Jesus Nicole Allum 2.25 0 0 204 213 213
Lying in the Snow and Burning in the Water - A Collection Troy Chavez 2.25 0 0 205 214 214
Yolk, Diddle, Karen Muffett Ryan Files 2.2 0 0 206 215 215
the silence that consumes me Sarah Norris 2.2 0 0 207 216 216
Entry 60819 Tyler Altman 2.2 0 0 208 217 217
A Day in the Time Michael Herschman 2.2 0 0 209 218 218
Between the Lines Gail Rivera 2.17 0 0 210 219 219
Step Right Up Michael Schussler 2.17 0 0 211 220 220
Entry 60558 Tom Devine 2 0 0 214 221 221
I’m Tired Schetonia Cowell 2 0 0 216 222 222
The Lighthouse Went Member 24508 2 0 0 217 223 223
Afflictions B. Scott Dean 2 0 0 218 224 224
Entry 60466 Member 18030 2 0 0 219 225 225
Daylight (disqualified) Member 24681 2 0 0 221 226 226
Five Loves Francetta Watson 1.83 0 0 222 227 227
Sixfold Poetry Contest Spring 2022 Jeffrey Alan Cella 1.75 0 0 223 228 228
My Little Squirrel (disqualified) Austin Loudin 1.67 0 0 224 229 229
my tears Karina Lovie Graham 1.6 0 0 225 230 230
Entry 60765 Member 24533 1.6 0 0 226 231 231
SELF-WORTH Toni Brown 1.33 0 0 228 232 232
Five poems (disqualified) Taylor Katz 0 0 0 233 233 233
Losing Your Mother (disqualified) russell irving 0 0 0 234 234 234
David Bailey Poetry (disqualified) David Bailey 0 0 0 235 235 235
Entry 60206 (disqualified) Member 22499 0 0 0 236 236 236
Like Pouring Salt on a Snail (disqualified) Member 14644 0 0 0 237 237 237
Behind the Scenes (disqualified) Sam Hendrian 0 0 0 238 238 238
Sixfold Submission January 2022 (disqualified) Member 22582 0 0 0 239 239 239
Entry 60221 (disqualified) Member 22586 0 0 0 240 240 240
Sixfold Poetry Contest Poems (disqualified) Member 22587 0 0 0 241 241 241
Entry 60230 (disqualified) Member 22638 0 0 0 242 242 242
JD Munn Sixfold Poetry Submission (disqualified) JD Munn 0 0 0 243 243 243
Five poems (disqualified) Robert Clinton 0 0 0 244 244 244
The Yellow Carnation, Sitting (disqualified) Rishona Michael 0 0 0 245 245 245
Night Train and some misunderstandings (disqualified) Member 22783 0 0 0 246 246 246
Child Stars (disqualified) Tate <3 0 0 0 247 247 247
"Henry in Myanmar" and other poems (disqualified) Arthur Solway 0 0 0 248 248 248
Fantastic Noise (disqualified) Sharlene Thornton 0 0 0 249 249 249
Alicia Keys (disqualified) Jeff Kingman 0 0 0 250 250 250
FIVE LOVES (disqualified) DEWI POEMS 0 0 0 251 251 251
Part IV of A Night at The Fair (disqualified) Bianca Fernandez 0 0 0 252 252 252
Broken (disqualified) Katerina Canyon 0 0 0 253 253 253
Five Poems (disqualified) Adam Day 0 0 0 254 254 254
How to Write a Poem During a Pandemic (disqualified) Nick Olah 0 0 0 269 269 269
You Say (disqualified) Sage Holland 0 0 0 255 255 255
feast & famine (disqualified) Member 22899 0 0 0 256 256 256
Discovering Oneself (disqualified) Madeline Haefele 0 0 0 257 257 257
The Trees (disqualified) Brett Gordon 0 0 0 258 258 258
Dark and Drear (disqualified) Sarah Hyden 0 0 0 259 259 259
Three Poems for Consideration (disqualified) Shirley Jones-Luke 0 0 0 260 260 260
Leftover Cowboys (disqualified) Sophia Gauthier 0 0 0 261 261 261
Entry 60327 (disqualified) Member 22973 0 0 0 262 262 262
The Older I Grow (disqualified) Member 22982 0 0 0 263 263 263
4 pieces (disqualified) Allison Lie 0 0 0 264 264 264
Imprinted Misery (disqualified) Member 22906 0 0 0 265 265 265
Still Don't Know My Name (disqualified) Faith Reale 0 0 0 266 266 266
How Water Falls (disqualified) James Reid 0 0 0 267 267 267
The Love that Lives in the Dark, The Weight of Blood (disqualified) Leyla Lakai 0 0 0 268 268 268
A Dream (disqualified) Evan Glasgow 0 0 0 270 270 270
Terra Incognita (disqualified) Member 23033 0 0 0 273 273 273
5 months (disqualified) Leopoldo Zampiccoli 0 0 0 271 271 271
Self-Portrait as a Clogged Toilet (disqualified) Member 23130 0 0 0 272 272 272
Catching Spy Agency/Plea/Backwards Question Mark (disqualified) Sara Carr 0 0 0 274 274 274
Five Poems by Zac Walsh (disqualified) Member 23160 0 0 0 275 275 275
Sixfold pdf (disqualified) Karen Douglass 0 0 0 276 276 276
Collection of Poems (disqualified) Chantae Miller 0 0 0 277 277 277
Keep Everything (disqualified) Member 23166 0 0 0 278 278 278
Not Mine to Keep (disqualified) Sam Baker 0 0 0 316 316 316
Pneumatic (disqualified) Nicholas Wassenberg 0 0 0 279 279 279
The Kingdom of the Sloth (disqualified) Michael Richard 0 0 0 280 280 280
Entry 60449 (disqualified) Member 23178 0 0 0 281 281 281
Blackness (disqualified) Stephanie Strickland 0 0 0 282 282 282
Our Bodies Are Not Our Caskets (disqualified) Member 23190 0 0 0 283 283 283
Wallpaper (disqualified) Katelyn Grabe 0 0 0 284 284 284
5 POEMS (disqualified) DORIS FERLEGER 0 0 0 285 285 285
Poems I Wrote on Facebook (and a few I didn't) (disqualified) William Sterling 0 0 0 286 286 286
A Box &A Jar (disqualified) Member 23159 0 0 0 287 287 287
Five Page Poetry Manuscript (disqualified) Laura Atkinson 0 0 0 288 288 288
Life's Ore & Death's Row (disqualified) Member 23206 0 0 0 289 289 289
Fall Reverie (disqualified) Member 23205 0 0 0 290 290 290
Ephorate (disqualified) Member 22929 0 0 0 291 291 291
Poems (disqualified) Member 23220 0 0 0 292 292 292
Some Love Poem (disqualified) Member 23225 0 0 0 293 293 293
crying on airplanes (disqualified) Arden Schraff 0 0 0 294 294 294
Provincial and others (disqualified) Member 19520 0 0 0 295 295 295
Anthology of Poems (disqualified) Racquel Whyte 0 0 0 296 296 296
Atheist Father Caught Praying (disqualified) James Zukin 0 0 0 297 297 297
Come Back to Us (disqualified) Member 23289 0 0 0 298 298 298
i see god & other poems (disqualified) Abigail Wells 0 0 0 299 299 299
Loving Myself (disqualified) Heather Lyn Tobias 0 0 0 300 300 300
Five Poems (disqualified) Chamberlain Baumann 0 0 0 301 301 301
Whispers & other poems (disqualified) Prema Smith 0 0 0 305 305 305
Root (disqualified) Briana Bostic 0 0 0 302 302 302
Concerned with the universe (disqualified) Kavisha Prajapati 0 0 0 303 303 303
Entry 60598 (disqualified) Member 23269 0 0 0 304 304 304
Sarah Parker Poetry Submission (disqualified) Sarah Parker 0 0 0 306 306 306
Brick House at Night (disqualified) Christine Allen 0 0 0 307 307 307
I'm in the City, Mi Jardin 3.0, A Soulmate's Rest (disqualified) Member 24111 0 0 0 308 308 308
Entry 60620 (disqualified) Kathryn Martello 0 0 0 309 309 309
When We Grew Up (disqualified) Abigail Lewis 0 0 0 310 310 310
Entry 60629 (disqualified) Member 24169 0 0 0 315 315 315
Entry 60633 (disqualified) Member 7161 0 0 0 311 311 311
Entry 60635 (disqualified) Member 24180 0 0 0 312 312 312
My Biggest Doubt (disqualified) Yancie Yezak 0 0 0 313 313 313
Entry 60678 (disqualified) Member 24294 0 0 0 314 314 314
Entry 60694 (disqualified) Kelan Nee 0 0 0 317 317 317
Still Don't Know (disqualified) Member 3639 0 0 0 318 318 318
Be REAL Poetry (disqualified) Christian Steward 0 0 0 319 319 319
RED WINE (disqualified) Willie Smith 0 0 0 320 320 320
Fond Memories (disqualified) Kelcey Crum 0 0 0 321 321 321
Are you there, God? and other poems (disqualified) Member 8797 0 0 0 322 322 322
Rhythm and Hues (disqualified) Member 24411 0 0 0 323 323 323
Details of a Broken Heart (disqualified) Member 24425 0 0 0 324 324 324
The Golden Dawn (disqualified) Raquel Maldonado 0 0 0 325 325 325
Love Me, Everyone (disqualified) Joshua Folb 0 0 0 326 326 326
Entry 60744 (disqualified) Robin Marlowe 0 0 0 327 327 327
Crazy Animal Love (disqualified) Jack Smiles 0 0 0 328 328 328
How to Bury a Horse (disqualified) Member 8077 0 0 0 329 329 329
"Asking for Nothing" & other poems (disqualified) Member 24540 0 0 0 330 330 330
And I Do Not Forgive You (disqualified) Deborah Blythe 0 0 0 331 331 331
to covet and to thieve (disqualified) Member 24615 0 0 0 332 332 332
Sass (disqualified) N M 0 0 0 333 333 333
Poems Out of Place (disqualified) W. Kent Olson 0 0 0 334 334 334
5 Poems (disqualified) Claudia Maurino 0 0 0 335 335 335
Entry 60853 (disqualified) Olivia Sokolowski 0 0 0 336 336 336
Love in my Hands (disqualified) Member 24657 0 0 0 337 337 337