Results: May 2021 Poetry

Results for Game 355
Title Author Score Rank
Round One Round Two Round Three Round One Round Two Round Three
For the Eulogy monique jonath 5.25 4.92 4.44 23 3 1
Sixfold Spring Member 12907 4.67 4.55 4.02 57 13 2
Entry 59240 Member 14883 4.4 4.9 4 75 6 3
Parentheses, Synesthesia, Comet Mary A Tracy 5 4.62 3.96 37 8 4
Incandescent Light Edition Oak Morse 3.33 4.18 3.92 165 26 5
The Trance Dancer Member 18210 5 4.92 3.91 43 4 6
Ancestor poems and Difficult Day, January 7, 2021 sonnet George Kramer 4.83 5 3.83 45 2 7
Entry 59458 Member 18163 6 4.55 3.81 3 11 8
Maize & Other Poems Elizabeth Sutterlin 5.4 4.55 3.81 17 12 9
Clearfelling Holly Roland 4.4 4.4 3.72 76 16 10
Imagine Not Needing a Way Out Devon Bohm 4.5 5.27 3.68 63 1 11
Entry 59517 Member 13053 5.5 4.58 3.66 15 9 12
5 Poems Flannery McAleer 4.6 4.92 3.59 61 5 13
Entry 58848 Member 16363 4.33 4.18 3.53 77 25 14
The Apology and Other Stuff Bill Greenfield 5.4 4.46 3.52 18 14 15
Entry 59519 Member 17951 5.5 4.18 3.46 16 24 16
Wonderful etc. for Sixfold Robert L. Petrillo 4 4.25 3.42 102 22 17
Entry 59238 Pamela Wax 5.6 4.33 3.4 10 19 18
Fifth Child Mary Jane Panke 5.75 4.83 3.39 6 7 19
Entry 59061 Rebecca Ruvinsky 4.4 4.17 3.28 72 27 20
Quandaries on the West Coast a mykl herdklotz 5.5 4.56 3.19 12 10 21
Entry 59362 Jose Alcantara 2.67 4.38 3.12 216 17 22
Five Poems Claudia Maurino 6 4.27 3.09 1 21 23
Entry 59398 Member 13819 4.25 4.11 3.08 84 28 24
Five Teeth Pulled from my Head Tess Cooper 5.17 4.3 3 27 20 25
Congress of Ravens, etal Peter Kent 4.25 4.42 2.94 82 15 26
I Asked for a Hooker for Mother's Day & others Kimberly Sailor 3.5 4.36 2.75 153 18 27
Bill Cushing Six Fold submission (poetry) Bill Cushing 5 4.2 2.48 32 23 28
Hetairai Everett Roberts 4.67 4.08 0 55 29 29
I Hold On Susan Powers 2.67 4.08 0 217 30 30
Entry 59029 Jim Pascual Agustin 5 4 0 40 31 31
Entry 59590 Member 7480 5 4 0 44 32 32
Entry 58807 Taylor Gardner 4.75 4 0 47 33 33
Between Reality and Dream Daniel Holland 4.75 4 0 50 34 34
Entry 59168 Yoo Moon 4.5 4 0 66 35 35
Entry 59467 Brittany McCauley 4.5 3.92 0 70 36 36
Entry 59281 Blake Foster 5 3.91 0 36 37 37
crucifixion and other poems Member 13469 4.6 3.91 0 60 38 38
Shortage, Flamingoes, Home, If You Called.., What You're ... Member 16173 5.67 3.9 0 7 39 39
"A Cairene Winter" and Other Poems Patrick Curtis 5.5 3.85 0 13 40 40
5 Poems for Sixfold Jonathan Crefeld 4.75 3.83 0 48 41 41
A Body That Dreams Eliza Moore 5.2 3.82 0 25 42 42
Cows looking into the late afternoon sun and other poems Jakob Brønnum 5.2 3.8 0 26 43 43
four gospels Arthur Martins 5 3.8 0 28 44 44
summer firsts & others noah david perry 5.75 3.75 0 5 45 45
Tabatina Scott Harrower 3.33 3.75 0 166 46 46
A Sense of Gravity Ben Neelin 4.6 3.73 0 62 47 47
Covenant Kailey Albritton 4 3.73 0 92 48 48
On the Block Kate James 4.67 3.7 0 53 49 49
MAGRITTE'S MUSINGS S.E. Ingraham 4.5 3.7 0 65 50 50
Brother/Evangelist and Other Poems Sophia Chanin 3.5 3.7 0 142 51 51
Omni Mariah Springs 6 3.67 0 4 52 52
Hang the Bag From the Beep Box Lori Mehler 5.4 3.67 0 19 53 53
Entry 59431 David Sloan 4.67 3.67 0 56 54 54
Matrilineal Line Hannah Baker 6 3.64 0 2 55 55
Entry 58904 Margaret Lee 5.67 3.64 0 8 56 56
Entry 58865 Member 5494 5.33 3.64 0 20 57 57
Confessional & 4 poems James McKee 5 3.64 0 34 58 58
Entry 59096 Toni Maddocks 4.4 3.58 0 74 59 59
A Cross-Country Move Member 11160 4.25 3.58 0 86 60 60
Sacred Conflagrations for Sixfold Alaina Goodrich 4 3.55 0 106 61 61
Entry 59018 Robyn Joy 2.33 3.55 0 240 62 62
Entry 59296 Kara J. Page 4.67 3.54 0 54 63 63
Cursed History, Part I Austin Knauer 4.25 3.54 0 85 64 64
Five poems from last winter Leopoldo Zampiccoli 3.67 3.54 0 130 65 65
The Choice is Real Jayson Keery 5.33 3.5 0 21 66 66
The Last Duck I Killed & Other Poems James Hall 5 3.5 0 31 67 67
Migration and Others Mary Macferran 4.2 3.5 0 87 68 68
Tequila Shots, Seatbelts and Others Daisy Sellas 4.5 3.46 0 69 69 69
Entry 59413 Member 7121 5.67 3.45 0 9 70 70
Poetry.Submission Scott Maxwell 4 3.45 0 93 71 71
Moon Girl and Other Poems Member 15145 5 3.38 0 29 72 72
Blackwater River Danny Rectenwald 4 3.38 0 107 73 73
Entry 58898 (disqualified) Caroline Callaway 0 3.38 0 306 74 74
MZ Poems Molly Z 5.5 3.36 0 14 75 75
Windfall & Other Poems Member 18015 4.2 3.36 0 88 76 76
Five Poems including "Retirement" Joe Safdie 5.33 3.33 0 22 77 77
distilled all over the place Xandi McMahon 5 3.33 0 39 78 78
Entry 59556 Michael Hanner 2.67 3.33 0 218 79 79
Trivial Explosives: Three Poems Laura Catalano 4 3.31 0 109 80 80
The Gap Member 17946 3 3.31 0 197 81 81
Poems for Sixfold April 21 Mark Grinyer 4.2 3.3 0 89 82 82
As the World Turns Member 18088 4.17 3.3 0 91 83 83
Poetry Submission Sixfold Cara Cilento 4.75 3.27 0 49 84 84
The Witch's Kiss and Other Poems Michael Schussler 4.5 3.25 0 68 85 85
Grounded Ana Dee 4.17 3.25 0 90 86 86
Me and the World Barreling Through My Bedroom Door Member 16847 4.33 3.2 0 79 87 87
Need and Four More Gillian Freebody 3.67 3.18 0 124 88 88
Entry 59130 Member 16220 3.5 3.18 0 141 89 89
Beijing (5 poems) David Raphael Israel 4.8 3.17 0 46 91 91
Matthew in the Pool, etc. Jeremiah Johnson 3 3.08 0 191 92 92
Some Sort of Show Member 16426 4.5 3 0 64 93 93
The Green Burial Joao Serro 4.4 3 0 73 94 94
Entry 59143 Member 10559 3.33 3 0 162 95 95
Delivery Thoughts Steven Ihde 2.67 3 0 213 96 96
Sixfold - Feb, 2021 Contest Entries Jeffrey Alan Cella 2.33 3 0 236 97 97
5 poems Douglass Allen 3.67 2.92 0 126 98 98
The Vitality of Vulnerability L. Jane Borjon 2.67 2.91 0 219 99 99
Love In The Time Of Infatuation And Other Poems Babatdor Dkhar 4.67 2.77 0 58 100 100
The Empty Day and other poems Lara Reusch 4.33 2.75 0 80 101 101
Dark Matter Chris Wellman 4.4 2.73 0 71 102 102
Companion of the Night Zachary Hehre 3 2.73 0 202 103 103
Eve Renee Tay (Matheny) 4.67 2.7 0 52 104 104
Party for One Christen Tulli 4.5 2.7 0 67 105 105
FROM WITHIN, THE LIMIT IS INFINITE Natalie Cortez 3.67 2.67 0 127 106 106
Life & Waste Brian Kirchner 2 2.64 0 265 107 107
Combined Rachel McGraw 4.33 2.55 0 81 108 108
Five 4 Six Rozann Kraus 5 2.5 0 41 109 109
Blue Hydrangea Nia Feren 4 2.44 0 110 110 110
Everything I Am Not Member 16775 4.33 2.42 0 78 111 111
Coiffeur, Good Nature, Autobiography, Rise Deonte Osayande 3 2.33 0 187 112 112
Entry 59256 Member 10957 4 2.25 0 99 113 113
poems about time Member 9871 3.67 2.25 0 129 114 114
Lucky and Luckless In Love Richard Baldo 5 2.22 0 42 115 115
Entry 58818 Gregory Wilder 3 2.18 0 186 116 116
Entry 59275 Member 17328 2 2.17 0 264 117 117
Entry 58816 Rosemarie Wilson 1.67 2.09 0 273 118 118
The Unlearning Path Member 16822 1.33 2 0 279 119 119
In Any Season Emma Clark 2.33 1.91 0 239 120 120
Memories of Mama Kimberly Russo 5 1.85 0 35 121 121
Entry 59285 Alyson Tait 2.33 1.73 0 238 122 122
We All Wonder Natalie Livingston 2 1.46 0 268 123 123
Pillars of Air Against a Charcoal Sky (disqualified) Megan Quirk 5.5 0 0 11 124 124
Entry 58974 (disqualified) Member 13854 5.2 0 0 24 125 125
Entry 59181 (disqualified) Member 7621 5 0 0 33 126 126
Still Life (disqualified) Juliet Farmer 5 0 0 38 127 127
ET 5 Poem Submission (disqualified) Elizabeth Thomas 4.75 0 0 51 128 128
Sixfold Submission (disqualified) Alex Schmidt 4.67 0 0 59 129 129
Entry 59389 (disqualified) Member 18073 4.25 0 0 83 130 130
I'm over you. Mitch Butler 4 0 0 94 131 131
Calling all the Monsters kathryn grimmick 4 0 0 95 132 132
A Chance at the Sun Marion Coggins 4 0 0 96 133 133
Entry 59184 Victoria Linares 4 0 0 97 134 134
Entry 59237 Alisa Walsh 4 0 0 98 135 135
Poems for Whoever Needs It Nicole Adabunu 4 0 0 100 136 136
Two Poems Kate Wylie 4 0 0 101 137 137
hindsight is 2020 Suzanne Eaton 4 0 0 103 138 138
Dating Apps Don't Help Emily Nicholson 4 0 0 104 139 139
The Moon is not Unkind D'Shaynna Donning 4 0 0 105 140 140
going thru a tunnel & others Member 18200 4 0 0 108 141 141
Lyrics and Dispossession Jack Hogan 4 0 0 111 142 142
The Blind Girl & the Hit Man Bernard Hamel 4 0 0 112 143 143
Entry 59098 Member 9547 3.83 0 0 113 144 144
Super[im]position Philip Sharp 3.83 0 0 114 145 145
dressing up to hide from the drones of the lord Member 18009 3.8 0 0 115 146 146
Miscellaneous Collection Jacob Edwards 3.8 0 0 116 147 147
The One Who is Free Member 18237 3.8 0 0 117 148 148
Entry 59122 Philip Youden 3.75 0 0 118 149 149
Places John Delaney 3.75 0 0 119 150 150
Kingdom for Fun Alyssa Sego 3.75 0 0 120 151 151
When Will We Realize Marynda Chipman 3.75 0 0 121 152 152
The Dry Valley Member 13050 3.75 0 0 122 153 153
Coffee Breath and Other Poems Camilla Kline 3.75 0 0 123 154 154
The Flowers I Know Max. T taylor 3.67 0 0 125 155 155
The Challenge of Growing Up in the Mountains (disqualified) Katherine Arthaud 3.67 0 0 128 156 156
Entry 58946 b. moore 3.6 0 0 131 157 157
Seasons manuscript Member 13136 3.6 0 0 132 158 158
Ars Gratia Artis Eric Obame 3.6 0 0 133 159 159
Warriors Rebecca Olivia Jones 3.6 0 0 134 160 160
Entry 59320 Member 17791 3.6 0 0 135 161 161
mischievous cloud Liane St. Laurent 3.6 0 0 136 162 162
DirtyClean Poems Atticus Olivet 3.6 0 0 137 163 163
CAUGHT and other poems Renea Di Bella 3.5 0 0 138 164 164
punchdrunk excerpts Skye Vaillancourt 3.5 0 0 139 165 165
War of the living Laura Vaida 3.5 0 0 140 166 166
Stainless Steel Suit Janixx Parisi 3.5 0 0 143 167 167
Three Poems for Sixfold Barth Landor 3.5 0 0 144 168 168
Entry 59440 Member 18143 3.5 0 0 145 169 169
Entry 59454 (disqualified) Member 18156 3.5 0 0 146 170 170
Voices from My Window Frame's Graveyard Sam Bible-Sullivan 3.5 0 0 147 171 171
Under God's Image Andi Gunther 3.5 0 0 148 172 172
Entry 59402 Paul Sherman 3.5 0 0 149 173 173
Show Me the World and Other Poems Felix Kingerlee 3.5 0 0 150 174 174
Entry 59547 Member 10903 3.5 0 0 151 175 175
Entry 59580 Member 11166 3.5 0 0 152 176 176
Song of Sisyphus and The Unkindness Anna Jaffray 3.5 0 0 154 177 177
Family: FRINGILLIDAE, and other poems John Grischow 3.4 0 0 155 178 178
Become an expert at loss Member 16704 3.4 0 0 156 179 179
The Wild West: Mae Sot, Thailand Bryce Merkl Sasaki 3.4 0 0 157 180 180
Hair Day Member 16752 3.4 0 0 158 181 181
St. Francis and Joey Joseph Anthony 3.4 0 0 159 182 182
Broken Things That Sparkle Misha Dawn 3.4 0 0 160 183 183
Ascension Martina Goda 3.33 0 0 161 184 184
Entry 59283 Kevin O'Connor 3.33 0 0 163 185 185
Entry 59314 (disqualified) Arielle Negrin 3.33 0 0 164 186 186
Entry 59576 Eileen Lynch 3.33 0 0 167 187 187
Entry 58901 Melodie Hicks 3.25 0 0 168 188 188
Lone Foreigner Walking the Seoul City Wall Jake aller 3.25 0 0 169 189 189
Entry 58943 Member 16624 3.25 0 0 170 190 190
Entry 59056 Member 12417 3.25 0 0 171 191 191
Closed to the Public Member 16771 3.25 0 0 172 192 192
11:15 PM; Haunting: Let the Crows Fly Away with Our Eyes Anne Marie Wells 3.25 0 0 173 193 193
Five Passing Clouds Nicholas Panagakos 3.25 0 0 174 194 194
I Would Be True To Whom I Love Member 15037 3.25 0 0 175 195 195
Hedonic and others Cori Kresge 3.25 0 0 176 196 196
Three Poems Ashley Abitz 3.25 0 0 177 197 197
My Poetry Submission Sofia Peralta 3.2 0 0 178 198 198
Terms & Conditions Nathan Irving 3.2 0 0 179 199 199
Workshopping Chris Kleinfelter 3.2 0 0 180 200 200
Backwash and Others Emilia Anderson 3.2 0 0 181 201 201
5 poems for sixfold Linda Speckhals 3.2 0 0 182 202 202
Entry 59282 Member 15193 3.17 0 0 183 203 203
Are You Hearing Me, Alice William Erickson 3.17 0 0 184 204 204
Lightning and Others Joshua Savage 3.17 0 0 185 205 205
The Ginger Experiment Poetry Collection Elizabeth Schlager 3 0 0 188 206 206
Biblical Silences Bernard Horn 3 0 0 189 207 207
A Collection of Poems Member 16571 3 0 0 190 208 208
James Patience Young 3 0 0 192 209 209
Poems for Sixforld Jan 21 William French 3 0 0 193 210 210
In Commemoration of Pandemic: All Things Pass Member 16746 3 0 0 194 211 211
Sixfold Submission (disqualified) Eliza Bartlett Anise 3 0 0 195 212 212
a chemical compound Rucio Panza 3 0 0 196 213 213
Love Poems To The Night Jessica Solomon 3 0 0 198 214 214
The Third Recollection of Vester Presley on his Nephew Elvis Jeff Wysel 3 0 0 199 215 215
Early Morning Inspiration Timon Smock 3 0 0 200 216 216
Almost Ordinary Richard Speakes 3 0 0 201 217 217
Her Fingertips Are Flames Emily Parisa 2.83 0 0 203 218 218
Entry 59163 Member 16819 2.83 0 0 204 219 219
you are the prize (and others) Alexandra Nedved 2.8 0 0 205 220 220
Old Man Blues Emage Jose 2.8 0 0 206 221 221
Undoing You All Again and others Member 17918 2.8 0 0 207 222 222
I am a Poet Ann Spier 2.75 0 0 208 223 223
Entry 59347 Member 17855 2.75 0 0 209 224 224
One hundred streets Ana Paula Arendt 2.75 0 0 210 225 225
The Bitch's Journey: Leaving the Cocoon to Transform Member 18048 2.75 0 0 211 226 226
Five Love Songs Michael Arrieta 2.75 0 0 212 227 227
Sensations from Succession Kelly Lecko 2.67 0 0 214 228 228
Mozelle Anonymous Anonymous 2.67 0 0 215 229 229
Entry 59573 Member 12383 2.67 0 0 220 230 230
Outside Agitator and four other poems Sam Saper 2.6 0 0 221 231 231
precarious prerequisites -speculations of a satire- k.t goings 2.5 0 0 222 232 232
Snake Skin Member 16842 2.5 0 0 223 233 233
Collection Christina Hardin 2.5 0 0 224 234 234
The English Language Nathan Castanon 2.5 0 0 225 235 235
Poetry Collection Roxy Follen 2.5 0 0 226 236 236
What We Sow Hannah Thornton 2.5 0 0 227 237 237
Entry 59483 Leah Stetson 2.5 0 0 228 238 238
easy practice Tobey Kaplan 2.5 0 0 229 239 239
Selected Poems Nicole Lucca 2.5 0 0 230 240 240
The Losses of 2014 Jennie Passero 2.4 0 0 231 241 241
feelings of tragedy Frances Scott 2.4 0 0 232 242 242
Ugly Love brittany meador 2.4 0 0 233 243 243
We are Drowning! Patanjali Taylor 2.4 0 0 234 244 244
Lead Me Not Into Temptation Member 17989 2.4 0 0 235 245 245
Unfortunately, It's Up To You Mike Walker 2.33 0 0 237 246 246
Dance and Others J Degginger 2.25 0 0 241 247 247
LOVE charles p calvert 2.25 0 0 242 248 248
Selection of 5 poems written in between 2016 and 2021 Member 16490 2.25 0 0 243 249 249
WITH CONSIDERATION GIVEN Dennis Helsel 2.25 0 0 244 250 250
a song by myself Member 10505 2.25 0 0 245 251 251
And Nowadays Nobody Has The Blues Anymore Pacco Fanti 2.25 0 0 246 252 252
My Top 5 Poems to Live By Hannah Cornett 2.25 0 0 247 253 253
In the Basement Buxton Wells 2.25 0 0 248 254 254
Entry 58871 Member 16463 2.2 0 0 249 255 255
Young parties with new guns Jonathan Durham 2.2 0 0 250 256 256
Entry 59246 Judah Scott 2.2 0 0 251 257 257
2 poems Hendree Milward 2.2 0 0 252 258 258
A Story Space Michael Siracuse 2.2 0 0 253 259 259
Encouraging Pieces on Different Topics Roderick Talley 2.17 0 0 254 260 260
Rain on New Years Day and others Vixen Lea 2 0 0 255 261 261
The Next Dawn Brandy Baca 2 0 0 256 262 262
Respiring Member 16675 2 0 0 257 263 263
Broken Warrior Paul Wright 2 0 0 258 264 264
Thje Seance of Fishing Jeffery Lewis 2 0 0 259 265 265
Writings to Myself (disqualified) Ama Okigbo 2 0 0 260 266 266
Five Short, Contrasting Poems Freddy Fonseca 2 0 0 261 267 267
People like me; Tale of a Long-lost Teen Kate Davies 2 0 0 262 268 268
Universal Gratitude Seven Books 2 0 0 263 269 269
A Stallion and a Gelding & Let the Revolution Be Peaceful Stephan Ihde 2 0 0 266 270 270
Soft Soil - Five for Sixfold May 2021 Sam Baker 2 0 0 267 271 271
From the beginning Kerry Strickland 1.75 0 0 269 272 272
In the Midst of All the Panic Alyssa Pekelder 1.75 0 0 270 273 273
broken love Member 8326 1.75 0 0 271 274 274
Entry 59460 Member 18164 1.75 0 0 272 275 275
Metronome (disqualified) Laurie Held 1.67 0 0 274 276 276
Fever, Insomnia, Kiss The Sky, Thought Provoked & Words Jason Filiano 1.67 0 0 275 277 277
Retraining of Attention Jared Robison 1.67 0 0 276 278 278
The Heart of Poetry Mitch Maclean 1.6 0 0 277 279 279
Entry 58975 Heather Lyn Tobias 1.4 0 0 278 280 280
The Gates of Paradise Member 18223 1.25 0 0 280 281 281
Weekend Rambles (disqualified) DANIEL PEREZ-CROUSE 0 0 0 281 282 282
I Want to Read (disqualified) Madison Baranoski 0 0 0 282 283 283
Entry 58785 (disqualified) Gwen Dust 0 0 0 364 364 364
Entry 58804 (disqualified) Member 15974 0 0 0 283 284 284
Three Living Things (disqualified) Member 16210 0 0 0 284 285 285
Entry 58822 (disqualified) Member 16253 0 0 0 285 286 286
Shifting Scenes- a Collection of Poetry (disqualified) Stephen Sullivan 0 0 0 286 287 287
admissions (disqualified) Kali Rynearson 0 0 0 287 288 288
Deafferent Perspectives (disqualified) Member 16311 0 0 0 288 289 289
Love is Queer (disqualified) Danielle Aragao 0 0 0 289 290 290
humming bird (disqualified) Hop Nguyen 0 0 0 290 291 291
When I Yawn, Tears (disqualified) Marcus Rondinella 0 0 0 291 292 292
Entry 58854 (disqualified) Member 16377 0 0 0 292 293 293
A Portal to the Soul (disqualified) Lindsay Panigeo 0 0 0 293 294 294
Growing Pains (A Collection) (disqualified) Samantha Weaver 0 0 0 319 319 319
sixfold poetry (disqualified) Member 16405 0 0 0 294 295 295
Inner Rambunctious Child (disqualified) Ariana Valencia 0 0 0 295 296 296
Five poems (disqualified) Terence Cady 0 0 0 296 297 297
All We Need (disqualified) Max West 0 0 0 297 298 298
A Mother's Fury and Other Poems (disqualified) Patricia Davis-Muffett 0 0 0 298 299 299
Collected Works (disqualified) Member 16473 0 0 0 299 300 300
Poetry (disqualified) Angel Soltero 0 0 0 300 301 301
Grievance (disqualified) Cody Davis 0 0 0 301 302 302
The Honest Five (disqualified) Benjamin Casola 0 0 0 302 303 303
Something Endless (disqualified) Emily Litterer 0 0 0 303 304 304
Five for Sixfold (disqualified) Andrew Morrison 0 0 0 304 305 305
Boredom, Antimatter and Ages of Life (disqualified) Member 16533 0 0 0 305 306 306
Entry 58907 (disqualified) Kohl Trimbell 0 0 0 307 307 307
Stigma and Because of Stigma (disqualified) Cali Cuneo 0 0 0 308 308 308
Aruna's Sestinas (disqualified) Member 15184 0 0 0 309 309 309
Python (disqualified) Nick Ferrucci 0 0 0 310 310 310
The Covid Era (disqualified) Joan Michelson 0 0 0 311 311 311
Christianity (disqualified) Joy Whittemore 0 0 0 312 312 312
5 poems (disqualified) Lauren Skemp 0 0 0 313 313 313
After (disqualified) Kayla Townsley 0 0 0 363 363 363
Amour & Armor (disqualified) Steven Maxwell 0 0 0 314 314 314
Day Dreaming Poetry (disqualified) Member 16674 0 0 0 315 315 315
Thoughts on Thinking (disqualified) Jason Nicholas 0 0 0 316 316 316
The Mornin' Dew (disqualified) Terry Boykie 0 0 0 317 317 317
precious reckless (disqualified) Member 16683 0 0 0 318 318 318
Entry 58973 (disqualified) Alessandra Allen 0 0 0 320 320 320
Unravelling (disqualified) Abigail Tenney 0 0 0 321 321 321
A Merigold Needs Tending To, and other poems (disqualified) Thomas Petrucka 0 0 0 322 322 322
Albatross (disqualified) Cody Marby 0 0 0 323 323 323
Zahra's Poems for Sixfold (disqualified) Zahra Tagnac 0 0 0 324 324 324
Chariot Duel, 5 Poems (disqualified) Member 9938 0 0 0 325 325 325
Entry 59024 (disqualified) Jamaar Smiley 0 0 0 326 326 326
5 Poems (disqualified) Kelley Smith 0 0 0 327 327 327
I Taste after Ray Gonzalez & Other Poems (disqualified) M Kamara 0 0 0 328 328 328
Elder, Sojourn, and The ritual of folding a blanket (disqualified) Member 16774 0 0 0 329 329 329
Clooney (disqualified) Pippa Shaw 0 0 0 330 330 330
What I Saw When I Stopped Looking (disqualified) Mezu Okigbo 0 0 0 331 331 331
Country Living (disqualified) Lynne Kemen 0 0 0 336 336 336
Darkness from Within (disqualified) M.J. Darling 0 0 0 332 332 332
What Would I Have Sung and other meditations (disqualified) Rachel Wyley 0 0 0 333 333 333
And all the Cats Meowed (disqualified) John Langfeld 0 0 0 334 334 334
On Nature (disqualified) Ben Tolman 0 0 0 335 335 335
Hereafter: a Hymnal (disqualified) Jared Hayley 0 0 0 379 379 379
A Series of Mourning (disqualified) Carissa Vargas 0 0 0 383 383 383
a few days with a SICK brain (disqualified) Hannah Ghiringhelli 0 0 0 337 337 337
3 Poems (disqualified) Member 16799 0 0 0 338 338 338
Entry 59091 (disqualified) Member 16800 0 0 0 339 339 339
Time and Space (disqualified) Member 16601 0 0 0 340 340 340
Sunday Afternoons (for Ray Lindquist) (disqualified) Peter Meister 0 0 0 341 341 341
Lamented Angel (disqualified) Member 16824 0 0 0 342 342 342
The Power of Letting Go (disqualified) Member 16823 0 0 0 343 343 343
from Operation Infinite Happiness Forever (Please) (disqualified) Noah Barney 0 0 0 344 344 344
Ada Geraldine (disqualified) Michelle Baynes 0 0 0 345 345 345
Entry 59166 (disqualified) Member 16838 0 0 0 392 392 392
Entry 59173 (disqualified) Member 9065 0 0 0 346 346 346
Five Pieces to Assemble After the Pandemic (disqualified) M. L. Lanzarotta 0 0 0 347 347 347
Rain (disqualified) Srinivas Mandavilli 0 0 0 400 400 400
One Morning and others (disqualified) Slade Graves 0 0 0 348 348 348
Therapy (disqualified) Marquis Peacock 0 0 0 349 349 349
inside and under (disqualified) Abbott Dolan 0 0 0 350 350 350
CONCRETE HEART (disqualified) Dominique Brown 0 0 0 351 351 351
to be a girl & to the adults (disqualified) Ella Wen 0 0 0 354 354 354
Poems on Emptiness (disqualified) Alan Yan 0 0 0 359 359 359
Elegy for Algo and other poems (disqualified) Justin Schott 0 0 0 357 357 357
Entry 59235 (disqualified) TL Griffith 0 0 0 352 352 352
Entry 59259 (disqualified) Member 16836 0 0 0 353 353 353
Brooklyn (disqualified) Vanessa Taal 0 0 0 356 356 356
Wish you were here (disqualified) Daniela Zambrano 0 0 0 355 355 355
Ghost (disqualified) Chelsea Alterman 0 0 0 358 358 358
5 poems for sixfold (disqualified) Harald Edwin Pfeffer 0 0 0 360 360 360
We (disqualified) Benjamin Radcliffe 0 0 0 361 361 361
a collection of moments (disqualified) Member 9480 0 0 0 362 362 362
Bernadette and other poems (disqualified) Member 17507 0 0 0 365 365 365
Entry 59294 (disqualified) Member 17575 0 0 0 366 366 366
Best Halloween (disqualified) Mary Ann Bedwell 0 0 0 367 367 367
And the House was on Stilts (disqualified) Member 17634 0 0 0 368 368 368
The Leaves Fall, I Cannot Help It (disqualified) Kacey Heirendt 0 0 0 369 369 369
diamond dust (disqualified) Member 17810 0 0 0 370 370 370
Circle of Grief (disqualified) George Northrup 0 0 0 371 371 371
Boatman, Pass By and 4 poems (disqualified) Member 15125 0 0 0 372 372 372
Another Time (disqualified) Madeline Lane 0 0 0 373 373 373
I Am Not Sure Either (disqualified) caitlin ryan 0 0 0 374 374 374
DIRTYGIRL (disqualified) Anna Reidister 0 0 0 375 375 375
poem 1: coexistance poem 2: an enigmatic life (disqualified) Hannah Isaac 0 0 0 376 376 376
repurposed (disqualified) Member 17924 0 0 0 377 377 377
Entry 59354 (disqualified) Nina Clements 0 0 0 378 378 378
Travels Looking For Myself (disqualified) Bruce Louis 0 0 0 380 380 380
Poetry (disqualified) Natalie Thompson 0 0 0 381 381 381
My Collection (disqualified) Rhett Miller 0 0 0 382 382 382
Dinner Date with A Cannibal & Four Other Poems (disqualified) Marie McGrath 0 0 0 384 384 384
LOSS (disqualified) Marshall Elmore 0 0 0 385 385 385
Genuine (disqualified) onyx __ 0 0 0 386 386 386
Justice (disqualified) paul buchheit 0 0 0 387 387 387
22nd story, Hollywood Building, 19:07 p.m., Lobby (disqualified) Member 18155 0 0 0 388 388 388
Culture, Geography, Sci-fi and Imagination (disqualified) Norbaya Durr 0 0 0 389 389 389
The Silence of our Lives (disqualified) Moranda Bromberg 0 0 0 390 390 390
Sixfold Poetry Entry (disqualified) Kevin Brodie 0 0 0 391 391 391
Heart and Foot (disqualified) Christal Terrell 0 0 0 393 393 393
Entry 59473 (disqualified) Member 18190 0 0 0 394 394 394
My Mother's Mania, My Mother's Hands, Sister Christian (disqualified) Kelly Hitchcock 0 0 0 395 395 395
Meditations on Death by Donavan Barrier (disqualified) Donavan Barrier 0 0 0 396 396 396
Sickbed (disqualified) d.v. Glenn 0 0 0 402 402 402
Entry 59514 (disqualified) Karolina Scislowicz 0 0 0 397 397 397
Diamond Beach Walk (disqualified) Russell Carter 0 0 0 398 398 398
From Pen Paper & Heartstrings Vol 1. (disqualified) Richard Herron 0 0 0 399 399 399
26 MIRACLES POEMS (disqualified) robert Gretczko 0 0 0 401 401 401
Girls Like Me (disqualified) Naisha Suthaharan 0 0 0 403 403 403
A Triple (disqualified) Kristy Magnelli 0 0 0 404 404 404